
The Linder Firm

How Does Moral Turpitude Affect Deportation?

Immigration has become more of a hot topic than ever recently. High profile cases like the murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez just a few years ago have kept this debate in the spotlight. While the discussion of immigration can be a volatile one with emotionally-charged opinions on either side, the law clearly shows how immigration cases are handled differently than crimes committed by US citizens.

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The Linder Firm

4 Things Your Attorney Does for You Before the Trial Begins

Until the average person is put in the position of needing an attorney, there is often a lot of confusion over what they do. While most people know that lawyers argue in court, not many can name the numerous other services they provide for their clients. Attorney Phillip Linder is dedicated to providing you with top-notch service from the first consultation through the end of your trial.

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The Linder Firm

Considering Representing Yourself in Court? Read This First!

You’ve been arrested for a drug charge and now have a vital decision to make – hire a lawyer, or show up to the courtroom and handle it yourself. While this is a decision that is available to everyone by law, it is extremely ill-advised for almost anyone to represent themselves.

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The Linder Firm

No Laughing Matter – Exploring the Marijuana Laws of Texas

While 23 states have seen fit to legalize marijuana, the laws of Texas remain strict as ever on the controversial plant. With the unique location and reputation of Texas, many are wondering whether there is any hope for marijuana legislation to pass in the Lone Star State. What are the ramifications of these laws and what’s keeping it from passing in Texas? Find out as we explore the state of marijuana laws and legalization in Texas.

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The Linder Firm

The Devastating Truth of Social Media Self-Incrimination

With the rise of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, the social conduct handbook needs to be rewritten. Online behavior is a relatively new area of concern which people like you and me are still learning to navigate. And if these new rules aren’t followed properly, the effects can be devastating.

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The Linder Firm

The Police May Already Have Your Face on File

Regardless of whether you have ever been arrested or ticketed, it is likely the police already know who you are. Technology advancements in fingerprinting, surveillance, and facial recognition have enabled law enforcement to identify citizens in ways never imagined before.

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