
The Linder Firm

Mental Health & Criminal Defense

During a criminal trial, the prosecution is often required to prove the action and intent before a defendant can be found guilty. Unfortunately, many alleged defendants often end up committing a crime due to their mental illness or condition. Such mental health issues may include trauma, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or PTSD.

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The Linder Firm

Are There Alternatives to Going to Jail?

If you are facing criminal charges in Texas, the worst thing that can happen to you is going to jail or prison. Since incarceration is the worst possible outcome for any person facing criminal charges, many defendants wonder, “Are there alternatives to going to jail?” Fortunately, yes. Depending on the charges and the circumstances of your case, you may qualify for alternative sentencing.

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The Linder Firm  

The Costly Consequences of Ineffective Representation

If you’re facing a criminal accusation or charge—or any complicated legal issue at all—it’s to your advantage to contact a skilled attorney. It might be tempting to settle for just anyone, but that would be a mistake. There are costly consequences of ineffective representation at every stage of the legal process.

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The Linder Firm

How a Domestic Violence Conviction Affects Firearm Ownership

The Second Amendment protects the right of U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms, but there are some circumstances that could infringe on this right. While gun violence and gun deaths are an issue we must address as a nation, revoking an individual’s right to own a gun should be taken very seriously and only imposed when absolutely necessary. One such circumstance where this could happen is if you’re convicted of a domestic violence charge.

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The Linder Firm

Five Things You Shouldn’t Do When Charged with a Sex Crime

In the state of Texas, accusations involving sex crimes, including rape, sexual assault, statutory rape, prostitution, or sodomy, are often punished seriously. A sex crime conviction results in massive fines, lengthy imprisonment, a criminal record, registration as a sex offender, loss of certain civil rights, and other life-altering consequences.

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The Linder Firm

Should I Still Hire an Attorney if I Think I’m Guilty?

Being charged with a crime is always frightening, especially when you think that you are guilty. Some people mistakenly believe that entering a guilty plea can make their life easier because they will not have to hire an attorney or prove anything to anyone.

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The Linder Firm

Exceptions to Statutory Rape in Texas

Being accused of a sex crime is always serious, especially if the alleged offense involves an individual below the age of consent. A conviction for statutory rape can have a lifelong impact.

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The Linder Firm

Falsely Accused of Rape

The intimacy and violence of rape classify it as a particularly heinous crime. Those convicted of it face serious consequences, including a requirement to be registered as a sex offender for life. Unfortunately, allegations of rape are easy to make, even if they are not honest or accurate.

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The Linder Firm

What Qualifies as <br>Solicitation of a Minor?

The state of Texas takes the protection of minors very seriously. Laws have been expanded to include electronic means of soliciting a minor, including not only chat rooms but also emails, text messages, and social media interactions. In fact, solicitation of a minor in Texas is generally charged as a felony with potentially severe penalties.

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